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Tagged: theme nico function.php
This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by 7Theme Support 8 years, 1 month ago.
Hello Spport,
I have just installed the them Nico, and there were two errors.
One was only a break, the other error ist still there:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'add_action' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in /www/htdocs/w0153728/XYZ.de/wp-content/themes/nico/functions.php on line 400
Following code in function.php on line 400:
add_action("sevenleague_add_to_metabox_tablist", "add_menuicon_tab");
What´ wrong with it?
By the way, I already installed WP 4.7.
Is that the problem?Best regards.
srGood evening,
does anybody have an idea for that problem in Line 400?!
That would be great!
I would like to start my project…Thanx a lot.
we checked the file in the theme and there is no problem, it works also with WP 4.7. The function “add_action” is an important WordPress function and included of course also in 4.7
Have you changed something in this file? Do you use plugins? What version of the theme do you use?
First i had two errors…one error were gone because i delided one break.
and i tried also some other themes of the bundle, and I had similiar errors….
It´s the first time I had this probems, that´s why I thought it is because of WordPress 4.7.I used the file in my account:
downloads -> nico-1.03.
Is there a newer version?I use plugins:
– Akismet
– Hello Dolly
– Password Protected
– UpdraftPlus – Backup/RestoreI deactivated all installed PlugIns and I installed the nico theme 1.03 again.
Now i get following errors:
Warning: Declaration of Menu_With_Description::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in /www/htdocs/w..../XYZ.de/wp-content/themes/nico/functions.php on line 366 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w..../XYZ.de/wp-content/themes/nico/functions.php:366) in /www/htdocs/w..../XYZ.de/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1179
The warning from your last post we fixed in the most recent update (1.04). Normally you can download it in your account here, if you can see only 1.03 you can try to delete your browser cache.
By the way: this warning occur only if you have PHP error messages active or WP Debug on, both you should not use on publich websites because it’s very easy to provoke error messages and can find weak points to hack the complete website
OK, thank you, I will try your suggestion with the browser cache.
One question: Where can I deactivate the PHP error messages??Ah OK, now I see the version: Nico 1.04.
Thank you, now I will install this version.Thanxs a lot!
it works.
🙂Ok, perfect, I’m happy it’s working. The php error messages normally you can deactivate in the php.ini file, but I think you cannot access it if you use a shared hosting plan. But you can contact your hosting provider (for the changes in the php.ini file)
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