Home Forums Theme support Problems with Sport theme

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • 2 issues:
    The theme’s css file is not connecting.
    The demo content won’t load correctly.

    I have the theme installed on 2 sites:
    Site #1
    Login: ***
    Password: ***
    ((css file does connect here, but the demo content won’t load))

    Site #2
    Login: ***
    Password: ***
    ((css file will not connect. I uploaded via wordpress tool, then via ftp, still no luck))
    ((demo content won’t load))

    Please help.


    By the way: the sport theme is entitled: “Strong”


    we cant see a problem with the css files. The demo content you can download and install in WP admin -> Tools -> Import -> WordPress. The necessary file you can download also here:


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