Home Forums Theme support Problem with Apple Iphone wit the Theme Hot Erotic


This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • All my clients claiming, that on the iphone 5 /6 on the Safari Browser, the first picture of the Girls Categorie DOSENT work to click. So the clients Cant see the setcard of the girls.
    This is a big BUG and have to be fixed.
    Can you tell me, how to fixed? Or is there an update avaiable?


    we checked it with our demo website and it is working without any problem. Do you use plugins? Can you send us the link to the page with the problem, then we can take a look at it…

    the link is:
    The Problem is on Iphone 6 and iphone 6Plus.

    Helloany nes regarding this problem?

    You mean this page here right?


    We checked it with both, iphone 5 and 6 and on our end it was working. Have you tried it yourself?

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