Home Forums Theme support private: sample resource one

This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I am using the Parador theme.
    I have an issue on my home page with my [room_grid columns=”3″ number=”2″]

    I have two rooms showing sample resource one and two linked to page /easy-rooms/sample-resource-one/ yet these private pages do not exist under my pages, where do these come from and how can I remove this from my homepage? Also what is the number=”2″ for in de above code for room_grid?

    The number 2 is the number of rooms you want to show with the shortcode. In this case, the shortcode will display only 2 rooms, also if you have 10.

    Private resources: The plugin we’ve used for the reservation function insert 2 demo rooms while installing the plugin. Please go to WordPress admin -> Reservation -> Resources, there you can delete the 2 private resources

    Thank you so much for your help!
    I have one more question, where can I change the slideshow of the rooms?

    Oh found an answer to my question but now a bug has happened I assume cause it is on the demo website too.

    On the rooms page Standart Room the slide show goes over the text, this has happened to my website to. How can I fix this?


    it’s a problem with a jQuery plugin, we have to make an update to fix the problem (The slideshow start before the images are loaded, that’s why the slider is 0 pixel height… ).

    I think you can download the new version tomorrow

    I have been waiting patiently for this update yet nothing has happened. When will there be an update to fix the slideshow issue on the rooms pages, which goes over the text.


    sorry for the delay, we’ve uploaded the update tonight, now the Mojo staff have to approve it. I think in the course of the day it’s available for download. The new version is 1.05


    I have been looking at the Mojo website for an update yet they do not show on their website that there was an update above 1.01. I just redownloaded the theme and there was an update as you said 1.05, thank you for that.

    Mojo does not inform its users that there has been an update to the theme, which I find very strange. Hopefully you can inform them that their webpage of your wordpress theme is not up to date, and maybe encourage them to inform their users that there has been an update to the theme they purchased.

    Thank you for all your help looking forward to the new update of adding an external url to the clients featured image. 🙂 It really is a beautiful theme.

    Yes, I know, it’s not very helpful when you don’t have update notifications. We are working on an own notification system in the themes…

    Sorry about being so annoying and asking so many questions.
    I have another issue which might be linked to the slider. I have set up my site as the demo on the home page I inserted my own images in the slider on the bottom 2/3 slider. These images sometimes not always enlarge to the original size of the image, width being the size of the column then the height being the full image, not cropped to the size it should be. This sometimes happens not always, when I clear my cache it disappears but if I go through other pages then come back to the home page it happens. I am wondering if this is because my images are to big, they have all been rescaled to the size of the slider image of the woman with stones on her back.
    Hope you can help me out with this new issue.


    we’ve tested it on your site but we cant find a problem. What browser do you use?

    I have been using safari. Also I found that when I open the site on an iPad it does not display the homepage slider, is there a way to fix this?

    Oh I just figured out that it takes some time to load the slider, how can I make the loading time faster?


    you can try to compress your images, that the most easy way to reduce the loading time. You can use this online tool here, it’s great:


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