Home Forums Theme support Prestige Theme Team Images Url

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hello I am using the Prestige theme and downloaded the demo data and installed. I need to be able to make the images on the OUR AGENTS slider on the main page clickable so I can navigate to the individual team page. I also would like the TEAM page images to be clickable as well and sent to the individual page. As the demo exists now I don’t see a way to navigate the individual team pages. I see the individual pages are generated dynamically so I imagine the information is saved in the database, but I do have a client who wants to easily drill down to see the Team member information. It would seem that I need to add some custom CSS is this correct or am I missing something?


    I’m sorry, it’s nothing you can do with css code. We can make an update for the theme and add the link to the single team template, but we need 1-2 days

    That would be great!

    Update uploaded, new version is 1.101…

    Great! Is there a way to update without unistalling and re-installing?

    I think the only file we changed is “team-entry.php”, so you can upload and overwrite only this file, normally this should work.

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