Home Forums Theme support Prestige theme and search

This topic contains 33 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi,
    can hel me??

    Is possible to insert boxed slider and after serach box in the same page??



    yes, I think you can use the boxed slider with the search box below. Please create first a page with the boxed slider (or use an existing) then insert this shortcode on top of the content (in the editor while editing the page):


    I think this should work

    Thanks for the answer.

    it work but is visualized non correctly…is not justified.

    Other questions..for translate the real estate title and for example choose kind or type etc etc..wich is the file??

    can you help me??

    Thanks a lot


    the file for the translation is in the “languages” folder inside the theme folder and it’s called “sevenleague.po”.

    Can you send us the link to the page with the search, then we can try to fix the justify issue.

    Thanks i have resolve with this:

    <div id=”research_header” class=”inner csl”>[search_real_estate]</div>

    I have other problem with this theme:

    I have created filter portfolio but not found filter.
    Also when hi open image portafolio popup the text is “udefinited”…where i set it??

    Other questions..is possible have the same effect ( portfolio zoom image) in the real estate item preview (now i have effect on/off)



    the “filter” for the portfolio are the categories, please add categories like “webdesign”, “photography” and “typographie” to the portfolio items, then it’s working.

    Zoom effect

    To add the zoom effect to the properties, please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this css code:

    .object_left:hover img {
    -webkit-transform: scale(1.4);
    -moz-transform: scale(1.4);
    -o-transform: scale(1.4);
    transform: scale(1.4);

    .object_left img {
    -webkit-transition: 0.4s;

    Thanks a lot for the support.

    The zoom effect found but the image enlarges over the lable, is it possible to optimize zoom only for the box image?

    Other question, the label for real estate home not found??? If i save came back blank!!

    Oh, don’t saw this while testing the code. Can you add this css code to the “Extra CSS Content”?

    .grid .object_left {

    Then it should work.

    Thank you a lot.

    Rest Two problem:

    1)in the module real estate when you create a object the field LABEL not found. When you save the field came back blank!!
    Is possible to fix it??

    2) When you open the portfolio image there is a text “undefined” where i set it???

    Thanks a lot for trhe support


    1. This feature was made for a future update, at the moment it’s not usable. We create the function to display it in the frontend in one of the next updates.

    2. This was a bug in the theme, we’ve made an update for it. The new version is 1.06 and you can download it in the next hours

    Thansk for the answer i waiting modify.

    I found another problem, i you set € the cost are always visualized in format 1,000,000 but is not correct for this valute.


    I have another questions:

    in your example menu do you have :
    Proprieties –> Proprieties by –> City , kind , feature, type

    I use only kind example for one elements but i want to copy for another kind search.

    I have create a link menu voice with http://www.exclusivehouse.it/?estatekind=NEWKIND and found but if i set permalink setting with this solution is not renaimed. (in your exanple menu found ok).

    haw can i resolve it and reply the same situation of you example menu??

    Thanks (sorry for my bad english)

    I have downlaod new version is 1.06 but i have a same problem in portfolio image 🙁 always text “undefined”


    for the euro format:

    please open the file “estate-entry.php”, go to line 75 and replace this code:


    with this:


    Then on line 76, replace this code:


    with this:


    Then open the file “estate-single-default.php” and replace line 57:

    <?php if($eprice) { echo number_format($eprice,0,".",","); } ?>

    with this

    <?php if($eprice) { echo number_format($eprice,0,",","."); } ?>

    and line 154:

    <?php if($eprice) { echo number_format($eprice,0,".",","); } ?>

    with this:

    <?php if($eprice) { echo number_format($eprice,0,",","."); } ?>


    Please reset the permalinks to the default settings and try if its working then. Then set it again to your custom structur, because WordPress will rewrite the permalink settings in the htaccess file, I think then it’s working.


    Are you sure? On the portfolio page right? We’ve tested it on our localhost and it’s working. Maybe it’s in your browser cache. Do you use a cache plugin?

    Thanks i test it.

    UPDATE: I have reupload the theme 1.06 and i have same situation.

    go for exampre to your demo:


    click magnifying glass..under the image there is “undefinied”. I think we should go the description of portfolio post.


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