Home Forums Theme support Portfolios in mobile theme different to pc

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • http://www.thesaloncambridge.com when i click on a portfolio picture i get the image and the copy that goes with it.
    however when on iOS smart phone when said picture is click i only see the image not any copy.


    we checked it and you are right, that’s not so perfect. We will provide and update as soon as possible fix it

    Did we get a fix to the curls theme?


    we fixed this already in the most recent update some days ago. You can update to version 1.03

    How do I update theme?

    Download it in your account, then upload and overwrite it via FTP in your themes folder ( wp-content/themes/ )

    Thank you guys for the fix my website http://www.thesaloncambridge.com on a mobile device looks and works great. Thank you!

    You’re welcome!

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