Home Forums Theme support Portfolio Candy Theme not looking like the sample theme

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 5 years ago.

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  • I have Candy theme for my webpage, and I would like to show the portfolio with the hover square and the text into the photo, but I only have the chance to put text in the lower part of the photos, and I don’t have any hover effects, is there any shortcode or any special CSS to apply, or whatever to make mi protfolio look like yours?






    looks like you changed the default portfolio settings. Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Portfolio Settings -> Entry Template, then choose “Robert” as the template (it’s the last one), and save it.

    No, that didn’t help, plus some portfolio items are not clickable on the phone with that.

    Hm, strange! Can you send us (info @ 7theme . net ) a login for your website, then we can take a look at it. Another question: do you use a caching plugin?

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