Home Forums Theme support portfolio 1200×740 (nico theme)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • the portfolio single page create images at 1200×740 but I NEED them to be 100%x100% without cropping.


    hm, if you know how to edit php files and change php code, then you can change it. If you want, we can send you the file and the line of code where you can change it.

    That would be ideal

    Sooner rather than later would be ideal. Please help.

    Ok, open the file “sl_single_header.php” in the “7league/” folder, then replace this line (line number 208):

    the_post_thumbnail('shot', array('class' => 'opacity-hover'));

    with this:

    the_post_thumbnail('original', array('class' => 'opacity-hover'));

    ok, that did the trick I’m guessing there isn’t a way to do that globally to the site. I’m now having complaints about the thumbnails being created by the similar works and recent works sections.

    I’m now having complaints about the thumbnails being created by the similar works and recent works sections.

    What exactly is not working there?

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