Home Forums Theme support Plugins to customise page ?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hello, I just bought Cora template, I’m surprised to see that their is no automatic plugins installation like envato when you buy a 70$ temp. I imported contents, but Their is tons of shortcodes on all pages, it’s hard to me to understand everything. Is there a plugin associated with that template to customise pages ? I already put WPBakery but I just realise pages are not made with that plugin. Some help please ?

    Hi, thank you for your purchase. We made the complete theme completely independently from plugins. All default shortcodes you can find in the shortcode generator, if you don’t saw it already you can take a look at this post in our FAQ section:

    Can’t find the shortcode generator

    For all shortcodes related to the theme, you can find more information in the theme documentation.

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