Home Forums Theme support Pinot theme – menu problem


This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Ddd

    I’ve bought and installed Pinot theme.
    I’ve a problem with menu.
    It happens in Chrome and Opera. In Firefox everything is ok.
    The problem – the left menu #1 is on the top of the header, while the right menu #2 is at at the vertical center of the header. Both menu must be at the same height, but left menu is much higher that rignt menu.
    Unfortunately I can’t attach the printscreen, but this problem happens with your demo – http://www.7theme.net/preview/?theme=Pinot

    How can I fix this problem???
    Waiting for your answer.


    we checked it with Chrome and cannot see the problem, both menu parts are centered. What screensize do you use?


    This problem happens in Chrome.
    Also it happens in Opera.
    We’ve checked it on different computers with different screensizes.
    We’ve uploaded the screenshot here – http://i67.tinypic.com/macolw.jpg

    Left menu is higher than right menu!!

    How can we fix this problem???


    checked it with chrome on normal screens (larger than 1000 pixel ) and we cannot see the problem. We check it now with Opera…


    Dear Sirs.
    I’ve checked your theme Pinot in Chrome on Five (5) different computers – and EVERYWHERE is the same mistake as I’ve written before!! An the screensize is larger than 1000 pixels.
    So I don’t believe you.

    Have you seen my screenshot?? http://i67.tinypic.com/macolw.jpg ??
    Do you have an email??
    How can I write you directly??

    Please help me.
    If not, then I’ll contact the marketplace where I’ve bought the theme.


    our mail is info@7theme.net, there you can write us directly. Of course we saw your screenshot, but we checked it with different screens and computers and it was working always, not sure what cause the problem when you watch the demo. Have you checked the browser zoom? I know we had a similar case and the problem was caused by the browser zoom…


    Zooming also doesn’t change anything!
    The left menu is higher than right menu!

    As I understand the problem is in header.php.
    Can you rewrite it?

    I need to solve this problem, it is essential for me!!
    Hope for your understanding.


    no, there is no problem in the header.php file, this will will produce only the HTML output, if there is a problem then in the style.css file. But we checked double, there is no problem, on our end the theme display correctly both menus in one line, also with your screen sizes. Have you tried larger screens? Does the problem occur also on larger screens?

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