Home Forums Theme support Phantom theme New Portfolio

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    I bought your bundle and cant get the phantom portfolio to work when I want to create new one. My pictures doesn’t show. Funny thing that all the pictures from portfolio are actually there but they aren’t visible.
    When I change the name of my new portfolio project to the default one the pictures are shown back again???

    How can U fix this?
    Also how to make pictures that are just invisible and doesn’t belong to that portfolio project don’t show at all.

    Thank you for your answer.



    thank you for your purchase. I’m not sure what cause the problem, can you send us ( info @ 7theme . net) the link to the page with the problem, then we can take a look at the source code and help you to solve the problem.

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