Home Forums Theme support Person Settings in Redcorner

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • In the Redcorner theme, is there any way to change the “Person Settings” categories on the “Person” posts from their presets (ex: age, height, weight) to custom ones (such as specialty, rate, etc.)? I have tried changing them via the Custom Fields, but it just reverts to the preset categories when saving the individual “Person” post. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi, thank you for your post.

    you can edit the language file, you can find this file in the theme folder -> languages -> sevenleague.po. You want to change only the labels in the front-end, right?

    No, I’d like to change the labels throughout. Not having them changed on the back-end would confuse what the fields are supposed to be filled with on the Edit Person Post-type page.

    Also, I’ve tried changing them on the front-end without luck.


    Language File addition:

    #. Originally "height"
    #. Text in echo
    #: single-person.php:66
    msgid "style"
    msgstr ""

    Line 66 in single-person.php:
    <p class='sllist_3'><?php echo sl_post_meta('height', '<span>'.__('Height','sevenleague').':</span><em>','</em>'); ?></p>

    Making that addition to the language file did not change “height” to “style” on the single person page.

    In the language file, you don’t have to change the line “msgid”, you need to change the line below (msgstr). You can add to the i.e. msgid “Height” you own translation/value, but in the line below

    I actually had already tried that as well.
    I had tried putting:

    #. Originally "height"
    #. Text in echo
    #: single-person.php:66
    msgid "height"
    msgstr "style"

    …which also did not change the wording on the single person post.
    I had made that addition to wp-content/themes/redcorner/languages/sevenleague.po
    Am I putting it into the wrong language file? Or is there another way to change it?

    Looks like you’ve done it right. Do you use a caching plugin? Or have you already tried to delete the browser cache?

    That was my first thought. So I deleted all caches and purged my browser cache as well. I tried going to the site page on a browser I had never used to access the site also. I even cleared out my opcache even though it’s not a PHP issue. Still no luck… Something must be wrong, but I have no clue what…

    Ok, sounds strange. We will test it on our website, maybe there is a problem with the code…

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