Home Forums Theme support Person Load more

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Is there any way so I can load example 4 persons and then there will a load more person so the visitor can see more persons?


    what theme do you use? Do you mean a “Load more” function via Ajax? Or just pagination?

    via Ajax is preferred

    I’m not sure what theme you use, but for the person post type, there is no built-in Ajax load-more function. Normally you can use the pagination, this should be available

    Hello, I am using ladies theme. How can set the limit for the next set to load?

    Do you use a page template or a shortcode to show the persons?

    Short code in the front page and page template in a inside page

    The shortcode has no pagination function, but the page template. Please edit the page with the page template and take a look at the settings box below the editor, please select the “Group Template” tab, set “Number of items”, i.e 3 and the number of columns. As soon there are more than 3 person entries the page template will show the pagination on the bottom of the page.

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