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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • How do i edit the room sliders?

    Thank you


    thank you for the purchase. The slider in the rooms work with attached images. Please edit the room where you want to change the images. Then, please click the ‘Add Media’ button above the editor, and choose ‘uploaded to this page’ in the dropdown, then WordPress will show you only the attached images to this room. Now you can mark one of the images and delete it (box to the right). If you want to add new pictures, just edit the room, press again the ‘Add Media’ button and upload the images, WordPress will do the rest ( dont click ‘insert into post’ after uploading, just close the pop-up window as soon the upload is done.)

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