Home Forums Theme support Parador Navigation Menu

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello,
    I’d like to remove the colored boxes behind the main and sub navigation menus. I can’t seem to figure out how to do it. Is there any way you could help me out?



    please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Navigation Section and remove the colors in the “Background Mouseover Topnavigation” & “Backgroundcolor Subnavigation” fields.
    Have a nice weekend!


    Thanks for the response. I’ve tried your suggestion, but it only seems to affect the Mouseover for the top navigation. My goal is to remove the box entirely, not just on mouseover. To have just text as the menu bar. There doesn’t seem to be a field to edit the color of the bar in it’s normal state.



    ok, now I know what you mean. There are 2 solutions, you can change the ‘background’ option in the style.css file on line 1508 (header ul.main-menu > li, change it to background:none;), or you go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this:

    header ul.main-menu li {

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