Home Forums Theme support Palace Theme, Menu Problem

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    we have bought and installed the Palace theme. Now when we try to add Pages to Menu it doesn’t work.
    If we try to click on the box near the page name it doesn’t check the box so we couldn’t add new menu voices.

    Thank you


    sorry for the trouble, it seems there is a javascript problem with a plugin. When did you bought the theme. And what version do you use?


    we have bought it about one or two week ago. We have palace theme 1.0 and wordpress 3.9.1.


    it was an issue with the last WordPress update, we’ve fixed it. The new version is 1.01 and you can download in one hour.

    Update is now available…


    thank you, now it’s working correctly!

    You’re welcome!

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