Home Forums Theme support Page scroll doesn't work

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi,
    I use Unifarm Theme and after the latest Chrome update the page scroll doesn’t work. It works fine in Firefox.
    Can you please help with that?


    I had multiple websites doing the same thing with other developers. Once the js file got updated everything works fine.


    yes, there is a problem with Chrome browser and a jQuery plugin we used for the theme, it for the smooth scrolling. You don’t need this plugin, so you can remove it if you want.

    To remove the plugin, you can open the file “plugins.js” in the folder “script” and remove the plugin by deleting line 7 – 26 (starting with “/* SCROLL */ ” and ending with “window.addEventListener(“mousewheel”, H, !1), window.addEventListener(“load”, k, !1));” )

    Thank you for your instructions. I did exactly what you suggested but that hasn’t changed anything. The scroll still not working… Is there another way?

    It’s the only way. As soon the code is removed it should work. Can you send me a link to the page with the problem? Then we can take a look at it…

    No worries, here it is:


    we checked it with different browsers and there is no problem. Please delete your browser cache and try it again.

    I’ve done that. No change. I’m talking about mouse scroll – the wheel…

    Yes, I know what you mean. This is what we tested (the scrolling via mousewheel) with different browser, and there was no problem. Please try to delete your browser cache and try it again

    Ha! You were right all along! I checked it on another computer and it works fine. There’s is something wrong with my laptop.
    Thank you for all your help 🙂

    Ok, great, I’m glad it’s working!

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