Home Forums Theme support Order of Menu Items, Justice Theme

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi there. Love your themes. This one has been killing us for days, though. I have attempted to downgrade to 3.9.2 but that did not fix the issue. No matter what we do, the menu items save as if they’ve got a mind of their own. We have manually entered in order numbers in the page settings, we have deleted and created new menus. Absolutely nothing is working. I noticed a “Common Issue” when logging in – shorten theme name? That didn’t do it either. Help PLEASE ASAP!! My client’s going to kill me!


    Hi Kristan,

    thats very strange! Can you send us ( info @ 7theme . net ) the login to the WordPress installation, then we can take a look at it. Maybe there is a javascript error or something else…

    So, I think this may be an issue with Uber Menu compatibility. As long as I deactivate the plugin, the menu saves fine! Hope this note helps others!

    I do have another question regarding the Justice theme… the responsiveness is nonexistent. I have the option for it checked, in theme options… but it simply isn’t.




    when the problem disapper after deactivation of the plugin, then there was a problem with the plugin, not with the theme.


    I found some custom css code in the source code of the theme, for example this:

    #page-sidebar-no-sidebar {
    width: 1180px !important;

    It looks like was insert also by the Uber menu, because some lines above the code we found this:

    <!-- UberMenu CSS - Controlled through UberMenu Options Panel 
    ================================================================ -->

    The code / plugin destroy the theme, so it’s better to delete it, maybe it’s working then.

    Thank you so much for your assistance. I will look into that custom code. Another issue I am having is with the portfolio: http://staging.smile-instead.com/revelli/case-results/

    There should be three items showing here.


    the portfolio items are there, but if you dont insert a featured image, you can see it. Please edit all your portfolio items and upload / set a featured image, then you can see it.

    There has to be another option for this. It’s a Lawyer’s site. It’s a theme FOR lawyer’s. No lawyer will upload photo’s of their cases. This isn’t an artists portfolio.


    if you want we can make an update for you, then you can use the portfolio without images.

    That would be beyond fantastic!


    we’ve uploaded the update, now the Mojo staff have to approve it, I think tonight you can download it.

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