Home Forums Theme support Nuovo theme megamenu

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    Love the new theme Nuovo. I downloaded the demo files to duplicate megamenu. I have search all over the Megamenu ‘page’/ demo menu and theme options to find how to create my own megamenu. Please advise, I’m sure I am missing something very simple!


    Update: I found an option for Link Relationship(XFN) in the Menu advance property. Megamenu is the only ‘Page’ in the menu that is using this feature. I tested the same number found in the Megamenu and created my own Megamenu.

    I found the number used in the Link relationship (xfn) on the megamenu page in edit mode, in the address window. It appears to be the number of order that page was created/published(?)

    I am sure you may want to add simpler instructions or screenshots…?



    please have a look at the “Megamenu” section in the documentation:


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