Home Forums Theme support Notaio theme not scrolling in Chrome web browser

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I have the Notaio theme but since day one it doesn’t scroll in Chrome web browser. It will scroll just fine in Firefox and Edge. I deactivated the two plugins just in case, but it’s not them. This never scrolled, even on a clean install. Any ideas? Website is


    yes, there is a problem with Chrome browser and a jQuery plugin we used for the theme, it for the smooth scrolling. You don’t need this plugin, so you can remove it if you want.

    To remove the plugin, you can open the file “plugins.js” in the folder “script” and remove the plugin by deleting line 7 – 26 (starting with “/* SCROLL */ ” and ending with “window.addEventListener(“mousewheel”, H, !1), window.addEventListener(“load”, k, !1));” )

    That resolved it, thank you for your help.

    You’we welcome!

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