Home Forums Theme support Not all escorts are showing in "person grid"

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi Guys
    I have 11 people on the “Person” part of the site however when i use shortcode of [person_grid] only 9 are showing on the page
    The two latest ones i have added are not showing. I have checked the settings between the ones that are showing and the ones that are not and cant see any difference.
    I have added the extra two using individual person codes so the owner is happy but I would like to work out why and what mistake i have made http://sexygirls.co.nz


    UPDATE, JUST ADDED ANOTHER PERSON AND it removed one and added new person so we still can only see 9 people on page instead of 11, it seems there must be a setting somewhere for the number of people you want to show in “person grid short code but i can’t see where that setting is? Urgent now please

    You can change the number of ladies in the grid with the “number” option:

    [person_grid number="9" columns="3"]

    Just change “9” in the code above to a value of your choice.

    Please take also a look at the theme documentation, there are all shortcodes listed regarding the person post type with all options and settings.

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