Home Forums Theme support NO REPLY TO PAID FOR SERVIVCE


This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 2 years, 8 months ago.

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    If you are no longer in business then please do not accept payments

    I bought and paid for the support to instal of 79 USD and I have not had a reply from any one in your team


    thank you for your post. No worry, we are still in business. Paid services have a typical turn around time of 1 – 3 working days, we also wrote this on the product page:

    Demo Content Installation

    The demo content installation is already scheduled for today, you already sent us the login information for your website so we can start to work without any problem. As soon as we installed the demo content for you we will inform you via email. Thank you for your patience.

    Do you not think that a email to say you are working on it and received it would be advisable

    Our system sends out an automatic email with all information for the paid service. But you are right, we should write a personal mail with any information about the process. Thank you for the tip, we will change that!

    I am not sure why I have to post on here to communicate as I even bought a service package

    You did the demo instal but you installed it over the existing site and now have two pages on top of each other

    Please can you redo this as I would have assumed you would have done a clean and instal

    And i received no automated emails

    The content that you have published can not be edited

    I can not edit the content in Elementor

    I am not sure why I have to post on here to communicate as I even bought a service package

    You can contact us also via email ( info at 7theme . net ), if you want.

    You did the demo instal but you installed it over the existing site and now have two pages on top of each other

    Please can you redo this as I would have assumed you would have done a clean and instal

    Ok, we will make a complete reset of your website and delete all content, then install the demo content again.

    I can not edit the content in Elementor

    You can edit with Elementor only content made with Elementor. The demo content was made with the WordPress editor.

    I saw you already changed the demo content, please can you confirm that we delete the complete content from your website and start from scratch with the demo content installation. Thank you.

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