Home Forums Theme support No menu Redcorner at landscape moblie

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 2 years, 4 months ago.

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  • There is no menu Redcorner at landscape mobile.
    I test on a iphone 11 Pro.

    Also if you make the browser smaller on a macbook pro, you will see the menu change from normal to on top, to gone.
    (site: alteastel.com)

    Please help.

    There is no menu Redcorner at landscape mobile.
    I test on a iphone 11 Pro.

    Yes, the problem is the large landscape width on the newer iphones. The default breakpoint for mobile devices is 481px — 768px, but the iPhone 11 has a 812px landscape screen width, that’s why with the default plugin settings it’s not working and the default menu is showing up.

    Also if you make the browser smaller on a macbook pro, you will see the menu change from normal to on top, to gone.

    We also noticed that, it looks like since some months all modern browsers don’t support the mobile breakpoints anymore. We checked it with an older version of the Chrome browser and there it is working. But the mobile menu was made only for mobile devices, for this it’s not so important on normal screens.

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