Home Forums Theme support Nitro Theme Visual Editor after WP Update to 4.4.2

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello!
    After Updating to WP 4.4.2 I cannot edit any pages and posts anymore. The Wysiwig Editor is blank and does not show anything anymore – neigher when choosing “visual” nor when choosing “text”. Now I cannot change text in pages at all. Please help. Thank you in advance.


    first please deactive all plugins in WP admin -> Plugins and check if the problem still exist. I think after deactivating the plugins the problem is gone, because we’ve tested it on our server with 4.4.2 and there is no problem with the theme.


    thank you for your response. I´ve tried your advice. It seems the problem is in the plugin “styles-with-shortcodes” which is mentioned to be required for the theme. Since it was not possible to deactivate the plugin, I deleted it. Afterwards the visual editor was working again. But as soon as I but the plugin back in plugins-folder, the problem with the visual editor is re-appearing.
    Do you have an advice for me how to solve this?
    Thank you for your help!

    No, I’m sorry, this plugin dont belong to the theme, the theme dont need / come with plugins. Looks like there is a problem with the plugin, but for this you have to contact the owner of the plugin…

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