Home Forums Theme support Nitro Theme Single Portfolio Pages

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi There,
    How Can I activate Single Portfolio Pages for Nitro Theme? Portfolio items don’t link to single page…

    Thank you…


    we’ve removed the single portfolio pages in this theme, because most of the clients with this theme don’t want to use it. But you can open the file “portfolio-entry.php” with a text editor and replace line 21

    ( <h3><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></h3> )

    with this code:

    <h3><a href='<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>'><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></a></h3>

    With this change the title of the portfolio entry is linked with the single portfolio entry.

    Thank You it worked? Another question?
    I dont want to use the portfolio photo as pretty photo and I want to link to single portfolio.. How do I do that?
    Thank you…

    Please replace line 6 in portfolio-entry.php with this code:

    <a href='<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>

    and remove line #17
    (<a class="portfolio_entry_bigger_image prettyPhoto prettyPhoto[works-<?php echo $ix; ?>]" href="<?php print img_original_url($post->ID) ?>"></a>)

    Hi there,
    I made the changes but the images are gone. What I mean is I want to use images as link to spesific single portfolio page…
    Thank tou in advanced…


    I think you’ve change too much. However, we’ve sent you the working file via mail.

    Hi There,

    You didn’t write to replace the code on line #17 too. That’s why I couldn’t.

    Thank you very much it worked.. Great Support… All the best…

    You didn’t write to replace the code on line #17 too. That’s why I couldn’t.

    Sorry, looks like I forgot it…

    Thank you very much it worked.. Great Support… All the best…

    You’re welcome!

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