Home Forums Theme support Nico Theme Standart gallery mobile issue

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi there,
    Standat gallery view on mobile is not working good. The next arrows are not visible and the small images below are not fit in the page. I can not scroll images or tap to change pitcures below.
    It is the same on your demo site.

    Please advise.
    Thank you

    Hi, what gallery exactly do you mean? Can you send me a link?

    Ok, now I know what you mean. The problem is the jQuery plugin we used for the gallery/lightbox, it removes the arrows on mobile devices. We try to hack the plugin or make the arrows work again with CSS and make an update in the next days.

    Thank You, Can you inform me for the theme update. An other issue that the contact widget icons are not visible.

    Hi, we made already an update to fix both problems. You can download it in your account


    You are welcome!

    Hi there again,
    I am having difficulties on gallery again. I would like to use an other plugin because your gallery is not the one I need. I can not swipe on mobile to change the image vs. vs.

    How can I disable all your gallery views to basic wordpress gallery.

    Thank you..

    Please open the file custom.js.php in the folder “7league/script/” and remove the lines 183- 192, it this code:

    		jQuery("a[rel^='prettyPhoto'], a.prettyPhoto, .gallery a").tosrus(
    			caption    : {add        : true, attributes: ["title"]  },
    			pagination : {add        : true,      type       : "thumbnails"   },
    			drag: true,
    			infinite : true,

    As soon you remove the code the jQuery plugin is disabled

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