Home Forums Theme support New to themes – how to make look like demo?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • hello –
    i have never downloaded a theme, but am relatively new to custom wordpress themes using the genesis framework. i saw this theme on creativemarket.com:


    and thought when i downloaded it would already look like that. my bad.

    i am confused at how can i have my theme look like this home page? i thought id be able to just change the content with that layout. any help is appreciated. thanks!


    in your download folder is a file called “Loomo-demo-xml.xml”, this is the file with the demo content.

    Please go to WordPress admin -> Tools -> Import -> WordPress and follow the instructions (upload the file above), then your website looks like the demo.

    Thank you so much! I did see that after i posted in the document – went to bed because it was taking a while to load. just got up and I see all the pages and content and stuff, but when i view the page it still looks like the page i was developing before. is this something that will take a while or do i need to do something else?

    thank you so much for your help!

    ah nevermind! just had to make my front page the new home page. thank you so much i appreciate your help!

    You’re welcome!

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