Home Forums Theme support Menu with "separator" bars

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi there,

    I’ve purchased the Parador theme and have set up my menu etc.

    I’ve noticed that in contrast to the theme template, my menu bar out of the sudden shows two “separator” bars (between PHOTO CENTER and GALLERY, between NEWS and CONTACT).

    Could you please check http://www.nad-lembeh.co.uk and let me know where that error comes from?

    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Sonja,

    we checked your website but to be honest, we cannot see a problem, because in the menu there are no separtor bars. We checked with Firefox and Chrome. What browser to you use? And what device?


    Thanks for your help and checking.

    I’m using Safari but the same problem exists for Chrome.

    I’ve tried on Mac and the same thing but between HOME and RESORT happens when I’m using my Android phone and Chrome.

    Is there any chance I can change the oppacity of the black background of the menu?

    Thanks again,

    Hi Sonja,

    we checked it again and don’t see the problem. For the menu (black background), have you found already a solution? Because we found some custom css code in your source code, looks like it was made with a plugin….

    You can also take a look at WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options, there are many settings for the menu

    Hi there,

    thanks for your help – yes, I’ve changed it with CSS Hero since it seemed the quicker solution.

    However, I have a different problem now: I’ve set the link color in Theme Options to white, that’s the color I want for the font of the menu (black on white background).

    What happened now, supposably because I’ve used custom CSS, is that the link color in general got changed to white – meaning I can’t see the text now written linked in my normal text paragraphs (example: http://www.nad-lembeh.co.uk/resort/aquaponic-greenhouse/, first line after the headline).

    Any help would be much appreciated,


    checked it, and it’s the css code of the plugin you use that cause the problem. If you want to change only the link color for the menu, you can do that in WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Navigation Section.

    I think as soon you remove the code from the plugin and use the theme options, it will work without any problem.

    Fantastic, that worked!

    You’re welcome!

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