Home Forums Theme support Megamenu problem

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I tried to make a megamenu using your tuto in your documentation whitout anay success. I am using Dreamy.

    I already make a nemu with wordpress. I would like to make a 5 columns megamenu under a first level link. I add some links under the megamenu installed as indicated in your documentation but nothing happens.

    I think I reed somewhere in your documnetation that I can add a megamenu using list coding Ul and LI With html in it with links and styling but I am not able to find it anymore. Are you able to help?

    Thank You


    in the dreamy theme is only a “little” mega menu. Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Menus, then click the tab on the top right of the page (“Screen Options”) and check all checkboxes. Then choose the top menu entry where you want to show the mega menu, click the down arrow to open the settings and choose in the dropdown “Columns” the number of columns.

    Hi Webadmin,

    I see it. I have choice for up to 3 columns only. But is there a way to modify it to get 5 columns?

    Thank You


    no, I’m sorry, only up to 3 columns.

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