Home Forums Theme support Megabundle Download

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Every time I have attempted to download the megabundle over the past two days, the downloads complete prematurely, leaving me with an incomplete and corrupt zip file. I have already attempted to download part 1 a good 7 or 8 times and the file sizes range from 64mb to 82mb at the largest. Can you please advise on this as I have submitted a support ticket but have yet to receive a response. Thank you.


    wrote you already by mail. Please download only one package at the same time, because if your internet connection is slow or instabile, it will stop / break the download.


    Did you ever get your downloads? I’m running into the same issue. I have DSL at 1.5 MB and am running 1 download at a time, but they keep cutting off.

    I know because I’m sitting here watching them.

    Hope to sort this soon.


    I’m giving up for tonight.

    Part one says it’s complete and finishes downloading. I’ve tried Chrome, Firefox and a dedicated download application. The files will not open or extract using the Windows 8.1 built-in extractor and 7-zip. Both say the files are invalid or cannot open.

    The file sizes for Part 1 are…


    Obviously, something is not working. I’m downloading from Creative Market right now and no issues (When I was downloading 7theme files, I was doing them all by themselves. No other downloads at the same time).



    That file from Creative was over 250 mb and it opened with no issues.

    It’s not my setup or proxy.

    Something is wrong on the server. It’s not showing a filesize on download (just unknown) I’ve looked at the headers sent by your Apache running on Debian server for this file. It’s not sending the Content-Length header i.e. filesize.

    It’s also not sending the Range header (for resume purposes. not necessary but useful when downloading huge files).

    By the way, this morning the completed download filesizes are hovering in the 30mb range.



    OK, went to neighbors home and downloaded via his highspeed connection and downloaded all five parts in less than 5-6 minutes.

    Just tried again at home and was cut off.

    Perhaps there is a php timeout on downloads that is cutting off when the download takes awhile.

    Like I said earlier, I downloaded a 250 mb plus file with no problems. I have Adobe CC and that (painfully) takes forever, but still installs.

    I appreciate the themes. Thanks.

    Hi TJ,

    I’m glad its working now!

    Not working for me – only purchased it today and want to get a move on but just not happening. Stops at like 30-40 mb each file. Anyone have a single link that I can use?

    Hi Abhinav,

    we’ve attached the themes to your account, now you can download the themes.

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