Home Forums Theme support Mega Bundle


This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Iris Paul 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • not possible to open the Mega Bundle zip,tried 7Zip,Unpacker,Winzip

    dismiss my post please,i found the misstake


    sorry for the delay, yesterday we was on a trainig. Can you tell me how you solved the problem? Because we have another client with the same problem…

    no worries for the delay.The reason i couldn’t open it was as i tried from the link of the e-mail i received after the purchase has been done.The download & unzipping is only possible in the account area here.
    have a great day
    greetings from Greece & Rhodes4vacation

    Oh, ok, that’s why it was not working. Greetings to Greece!


    auch ich hatte damit Probleme. Ich hatte alle Dateien parallel runter geladen und konnte die zip.Dateien nicht öffnen. Erst nach dem ich die einzelnen Dateien nacheinander runtergeladen hatte, funktioniert es.

    LG Iris

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