Home Forums Theme support Malware in my Theme??!!


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    My site was flagged by my hosting service for suspicious malware. I’m extremely upset and need assistance because I actually purchased this theme through your site. The following were flagged. Please respond asap with detailed next steps.

    Thank you,

    php.spam-seo.doorway-gen.043 – html/facilitates-groaned.php

    rex.multi_vars.004 – html/turf/wp-admin/images/align-left_old.php

    php.hacktool.mailer.090 – html/turf/wp-content/themes/strong/7league/ajax.php

    rex.multi_vars.004 – html/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min_backup.php

    php.hacktool.mailer.090 – html/wp-content/themes/hercules102theme-upload/data/ajax.php

    php.hacktool.mailer.090 – html/wp-content/themes/stong-1.01/7league/ajax.php

    Hi Angela,

    looks like your website was hacked. All our themes are secure because we use only WordPress core functions and we know what we do. First thing is to deactivate all plugins, most of all hacked websites were vulnerable due to the use of (bad made) plugins. Next step is to change all your passwords (WordPress, Hosting account, FTP, E-Mail). Then delete all files your hosting company sent you (see your message) with FTP. Please be careful when you install new plugins, this is the most important thing!

    Some of these items are within the theme though. If I delete them will it effect the theme functionality?

    Ah, yes, you are right. The theme needs these files, the other files you can delete, it’s not part of WordPress. If you want, you can send us ( info @ 7theme .net ) the theme files (ajax.php), then we can check the content of the files if they are ok or not

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