Home Forums Theme support Lost MobileTablet Menu on Laurania

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi!

    So, I did search this forum prior asking this and I’ve tried the suggestion to “add this CSS code at the end of your style.css file”

    header #navleft ul#menu {
    display: inline-block !important;

    However, I’ve added as suggested and still not showing on the tablet and mobile version.

    Any additional suggestions? Please.

    Hi Sara,

    thank you for post. We fixed the problem with the menu position already with the latest updates, normally as soon as you upload the most recent version the problem is solved.

    Oh? So, should I upload the new version and that will just install the updates? Or, would I have to build all again from scratch after that uploaded updated version (even if I have a “back up”)

    No worry, you can upload the updated version and all is done, it will change nothing on your website, you don’t have to build it again from scratch.

    Oh, I see now – thanks : ) I was able to upload the last update as posted on my account.
    Yet still those menus are not showing.

    Can you send us a link to the website, then we can take a look at it. Any plugin installed?

    No longer a need because I figured on my own where the problem was but that was thanks to your question about plug-ins.

    It was due to a conflict with the “DMCA Website Protection Badge” plug in. So, I deactivated it and taddaaa, our mobile/table Menu was showing and working as should be. So, I guess, I just add those badges manually – no biggie.

    However, my theme still need the help of the “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” plug in, but maybe that won’t be the case for my next upgraded version.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for the quick support and willingness to help : ) Consider this resolved.

    You are welcome! I’m glad it’s working now

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