Home Forums Theme support Logo tab not editable

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 2 years, 7 months ago.

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    the general tab under themes in appearance is not clikable so we are not even able to update the logo . other tabs are working but whole general settings is not working . Please help to resolve.


    Hi, what theme do you use and what version? Can you send us a login for the website ( info @ 7theme . net), then we can take a look at it and help you to solve the problem. Thank you!

    ok loging details sent from email marketing.semedia@gmail.com

    Hi, we got the login. We saw you are using an outdated version of the theme, as soon as you update the theme it will work fine without any problem. You can always download the most recent version of the theme in your account on our website.

    Hi We updated the version both wordpress and theme to 1.07 but still tabs are not clickable … Please login and check again

    Ok, you have to delete the browser cache, because javascript files are saved by the browser in your cache. After deleting the cache it will work, we already checked it.

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