Home Forums Theme support Logo on the left and images in home page

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi may u help me to find a css to move on the left the logo .
    mantaining the menu in the same mode.



    what theme do you use?

    boston theme txs


    here I remove maintenance for u

    On your website (link above) the logo is on the left??

    yes but the customer likes to be more left .
    more or less where starts the slider ( home page slider photo ) with a margin on the left part of the browser limit .
    may u help?

    You can try this code:

    header .inner {
    	width: auto;
    	padding: 0 30px;

    done… take a look..
    the page menu ..seems to be ..excessive on the right ?
    what do u think?
    the logo there is perfect..but the menu page ….move …on the right
    may u fix?

    Yes, you are right, it’s position is absolute and that’s why the padding is not working.
    You can use this code:

    #navleft {

    thanks a lot !
    good work

    You’re welcome! 🙂

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