Home Forums Theme support License


This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 2 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Anonymous

    I do not have a license key under my downloads section as the docs show. Ive always used the register/request and received nothing.

    Hi, please go to (on our website 7theme.net) to “Account” -> “Downloads”, there is a list with all products you bought on our website. There you can find the product ID for every theme. Please fill in the form in the theme backend on your website ( yourwebsite.com/wp-admin/ -> Appearance -> Theme Help ) to request the license key, our system generates the key and sends you a mail with this key. Please also check your spam folder in case the mail does not arrive.


    Hello. I have tried that probably 50 times now, over a period of 2-3 weeks. Have never received an email. I’ve tried different emails, different times of the day, checked spam over and over, waited. Nothing.
    I was getting them the first few times I was requesting, but no longer.

    Can you please send us (info @ 7theme. net) a login, then we will try it for you and check what went wrong


    I have just sent an email granting access.

    Hi, thank you for the login. We made a request for the license key and after a few seconds we got the key. Not sure what went wront on your end, but now we activated the theme for you.


    Thank you.

    You are welcome!

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