Home Forums Theme support Lambada: search bar in the far right of the main menu section

This topic contains 19 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Is it possible to add a search bar in the far right of the main menu section? I have no side bars/side widgets activated on the front page and like to keep the layout “full size”. Is it possible?


    you can try to add this shortcode in the editor:


    Where in the editor? Could you please describe it more. I don´t have any coding skills 🙂

    Place it whereever you want, just in the part where you can add the text.

    I want to add it beside the main menu items, not on a page or in a sidebar. If I add it to the content in the overhead section it turns up as a field below the other content and the search box is as wide as the whole part from the beginning of the logo to the end of the menu items. I want the search box to be normal sized.
    Maybe I’m explaining myself badly here :@

    No, I know what you mean, but outside of the content area it’s not so easy. You can use the overhead section, but of course you have to style it yourself, if you need a certain with you have to wrap it with a div, i.e.

    <div style='width:200px; float:right'>

    Thank you. That was a lot better. The search field is a bit longer down from the top comparing to the texk with the small icons (phone number etc). Is it possible to ajust the search field more up so the upper line is horisontal with the contact info?

    The code I have now is:

    <p>[icon name=’icon-phone’] 915 21 481[icon name=’icon-home’] Suhms gate 3a, 0362 Oslo, [icon name=’icon-clock-o’] Man – Fre. 08.00 – 16.00, Lør + Søn 12.00 – 16.00[icon name=’icon-envelope’] post@dans1.no [icon name=’icon-star’] Org.nr. 914 085 055<div style=’width:200px; float:right’>[search]</div>

    Can you send us the link to your website, then we can see it on your website and help you with the code…

    It is in maintenance mode and not ready for publishing yet, but go to dans1.no and use test/Testing2015

    Sorry, we cannot see it, can you send us a login: info @ 7theme . net

    I have sent you an email 🙂

    Got it!

    Thanks for all help. It looks great!

    You’re welcome!

    I have a new problem regarding this. The search bar is misplaced on mobile devices. The magnifying glass is placed over some of the text in this field. How can I make this field more responsive/flexible?

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