Home Forums Theme support Lambada – permalinks

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    so no matter what I try, I can’t use post-title permalinks with Lambada. I have to use default settings (?page_id=3938 instead of /kadra/). I would understand it not working for pages like classes and instructors, but I never thought it wouldn’t work for normal pages or posts. If I change permalinks I get 404 on every page except for homepage.

    Is there any way to make at least those normal types of posts and pages using /%postname%/ as URL?

    Also second thing – I am looking for a way to insert either:

    a) specific blog posts onto separate page
    b) posts from specific category onto separate page

    So I need 1 page with all blog posts, and that is covered. But I need another page with just posts from specific category or just specific posts hardwired into it.
    I was looking through your shortcode creator, but couldn’t spot it. I believe the option would be to duplicate blog template, but I can’t figure out where should I put the category to get the posts from.

    update – permalinks got fixed. apparently there was a double .htaccess declaration. So the only thing now is the second part with blog posts.

    I am currently using wp-tiles to do this, but it screws up the footer (not loading completly, because wp-tiles uses fixed tile height/position)


    sorry, but the permalink settings have nothing to do with the theme. Unfortunatelly it’s a common problem with WordPress, try searching in Google “wordpress permalinks not working”…

    But when you change the permalinks to “Default” and then back again to your custom settings normally than it’s working. You can try also to delete the file .htaccess, then WordPress write a new htaccess file and correct the problem.

    a) specific blog posts onto separate page

    The problem is that WordPress load posts from the database always ordered by the most recent posts, so if you use a shortcode it will return always the most recent posts.

    b) posts from specific category onto separate page

    You can link to the categories, see WP admin -> Posts -> Categories.

    update – permalinks got fixed.

    I should read all posts before I answer 😀

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