Home Forums Theme support Lamabada theme failed up upload Instructors, Shortcodes not working


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    When I imported the dummy content for this theme (tried twice), it failed to upload all of the instructor content. I don’t have the sections on my dashboard for Instructors or Classes; it has Clients and Team. I tried using the shortcodes, but I assume without the content, those won’t work. Any guidance is much appreciated!

    Hi Mikki,

    it looks like you don’t have installed the necessary plugin for instructors and classes. There sould be a message in your WordPress admin with the notice that the theme need this plugin. Please install it, than it’s working without any problem.

    If it’s not working, please send us (info @ 7theme . net) the link to your website, the username and the password, then we can check it and help you to solve the problem.

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