Home Forums Theme support Ladies Theme Update to WP ?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 2 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Recently there was updates, I purchased the Ladies theme, seems to have issues. I cant determine if its theme based, but when I go to preview the page, the Grid Gallery renders fine, when updating, the changes are not rendering.

    I am trying to determine if this is based on essential grid, wordpress, theme… if you have heard anything about similar issue with that theme, please let me know. A few years ago I hired your team to update, they created a child theme, and
    all was well.

    There has been an issue though with adding css to padding to body, it keeps giving me problems by reverting. As of now, info@7theme.net has admin access to site

    Hi, thank you for your post. Can you send us via email ( info @ 7theme . net ) a login for your website, then we can take a look at it. And please tell me the exact page with the problem. Thank you.

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