Home Forums Theme support Ladies Theme. Slider header person

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello.
    I try to change the slider in person profiles but i dont find the option. If i change slider just change the top menu slider but not the person slider.
    I tried to use Elementor for edit the person, but is not usable because when i change some, all the information about the person dissapear.
    Can you help? i dont find the information in the Documentation. ITs posible to change the slider in the slider header?. Because i only find the option to add/remove pictures, but not more. IF there is not option in admin panel for this, can i know the php file to make the changes or for example if i want to show a diferent slider effects?.


    the file to edit is single-person.php. But you don’t have to change the file, you can add/remove the images in the admin area, when you edit the person, see screenshot:


    If you don’t want to use the built-in slider, then you can find an option in the settings box for this person, see this screenshot:


    (Set header type to “none” to remove the slider)

    Its posible to use Elementor?. When i try i lose my information.

    Generally, you can use Elementor, but I think it will overwrite the single person template. That’s why you cannot see the information.

    Thanks. I solucionta the problem using Siteorigin instead Elementor.

    Now i have another problem. ITs posible make the Person Setting, and Person Service “clickables”. I think can be a good idea click on any service and see the persons with that service, or category, or setting.

    Maybe can be a good idea. Any solution?.

    For any upgrade i think would be a extra value of your themes add more Personalize Options.

    Continue with more thanks. 🙂

    Yes, it’s a good idea, we will implement it in one of the next updates for the theme.

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