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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    i need help guys!!!

    I need to add a new field for the search, the field is the city, how can I add it? The field will be below category, etnicity etc etc.. thx for the support.


    I’m sorry, but it’s nothing you can do with just some clicks. A search function needs a lot of code and any change will take several hours of work


    thank you for the answer, i think you have to improve the functionality of your theme.. i can’t do nothing, is not user-friendly.. next time if the theme is not 100% customizable I will not buy from you anymore.
    I am disappointed


    I’m really sorry about that, but you saw the demo website of the theme and saw what the theme can do and what not. Customizable means always that you can change colors, backgrounds, widgets. It does not mean that the theme makes it possible for you to change WordPress functions with just some clicks. The search function is a WordPress core function and was used from the theme. It’s nothing that comes with the theme.

    What you want to do are really heavy changes, and it’s not possible to do that with some clicks. If you want, you can contact our developer team (info @ 7theme . net ) and ask for a quote to write a plugin or extension for the search function.

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