Home Forums Theme support Invalid License Key

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I purchased “The Poet” single user license went to theme help inserted my email and product id and receive my license key. When I inputted my license key it gave me the error “Invalid License Key.” I have cleared the cache, and tired multiple times to enter the key and it still will not work. I noticed in the forum that someone was having a similar issue with giga theme. There was no resolution to this issue in the forum. This is for a client and this is a major issue with the theme.


    thank you for your post. I’m not sure what exactly is the problem. If you want, you can send us ( info @ 7theme . net) the URL and a login for your website, then we can activate the theme manually for you, and check what exactly caused the problem.

    That would be great. Another issue I have come across using the poet theme is that when switching to mobile view the mobile menu appears like it is suppose to but the desktop menu will not disappear and it blocks the entire top of all of my pages.

    Have you sent us already a login? As soon we have a working login we can take also a look at the mobile menu problem.

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