Home Forums Theme support importing demo content gets stuck


This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I have tried several times (by reinstalling wordpress over and over) to get the demo content import working. I’ve bought the Lambada theme and after activating the theme, the help page is shown with a import demo content button. See the result in this SWF screen capture: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9071456/7theme/theme-import.swf

    If I import the demo content through the provided XML I get error messages. See the result in this SWF screen capture: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9071456/7theme/theme-import-xml.swf

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance

    In my last SWF I’ve forgotton to active the theme.

    If I install the theme, activate it, first add the schedule plugin and activate it, then do a manual import via the xml file, then I get no errors. But the widgets and slideshows aren’t imported.
    So I decided to go the theme help page, and import only widgets and slideshows. It seems to work, I get no errors. Is this the right way of doing it?


    yes, normally you dont need to import the demo content via xml file, just click the “Import Demo Content” in theme help page, but of course you can install all demo content like you’ve done it.

    Thanks for replying. My point was the import demo button doesn’t work properly.

    Ah, yes, you are right, I forgot 🙂

    maybe you shouldn’t forget to fix it in a next release 😀


    sorry, after you wrote that the problem is solved I dont watched the videos.

    The problem was that your server was not fast enough to download and import all content before the server timeout, thats why it was not working (Now i saw the video 🙂 ).

    You can take also a look at this post (its a common problem):

    Demo Content Import doesn’t work

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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