Home Forums Theme support IAM theme PHP 8.0

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 2 years, 3 months ago.

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  • After uptaing to PHO 8.0 I get the following errors:
    Deprecated: Required parameter $args follows optional parameter $depth in /homepages/30/d427492760/htdocs/farmaciasendino-backup/wp-content/themes/iam/functions.php on line 330

    Deprecated: Required parameter $output follows optional parameter $depth in /homepages/30/d427492760/htdocs/farmaciasendino-backup/wp-content/themes/iam/functions.php on line 330

    Fatal error: Declaration of Menu_With_Description::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) must be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = null, $id = 0) in /homepages/30/d427492760/htdocs/farmaciasendino-backup/wp-content/themes/iam/functions.php on line 339

    I need help to get the website work again. Thank you.

    Hi, it looks like you are using an outdated version of the theme. What version do you use? Have you already tried to update the theme?

    Thank you so much for you quick answer. After installing the updated theme, I get this line repeated eleven times:

    Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /homepages/…/wp-content/themes/iam/functions.php on line 363

    Could you please help me get rid of it?
    Thank you

    Ok, it’s only a warning, this means everything will work fine. Do you see the warnings in the front-end or back-end?

    Ok, it’s only a warning, this means everything will work fine. Do you see the warnings in the front-end or back-end?

    Thanks for your reply. They appear in the front-end.

    Ok, if only this warning appears then there is no problem. Can you please check your hosting account, there should be an option to turn off PHP Errors and Warnings, please turn it off and check it again.

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