Home Forums Theme support I can' insert my logo / Site's name (Urban theme)

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • 1. Please take a look at this post in our FAQ section:

    Cannot upload Logo / Uploader doesnt return Logo URL

    2. Normally it’s not the job of the theme to show the title in the browser window. If you want, you can send us the link to your website, then we can take a look at it.

    1. I tried using the URL and it didn’t work.

    2. https://lustlogos.com

    1. After saving the logo url in the theme options and refreshing the theme options page, your URL is saved in the theme options or is it blank?

    2. We checked the source code and the title tag in the header of the page is empty, that’s why there is no page title. Have you installed plugins? Have you already tried to deactivate all plugins? Have you made changes in the PHP files?

    1. It’s blank.

    2. I think this is a issue of the theme. The same happens to your demo site: http://web-rockstars.com/urban/ . Instead of showing the title of the site, it shows the URL of the site at the index page and nothing at the other pages (just the name of the page). Yes, about the plugins. No, no code changes.

    1. Ok, in this case it’s no wonder that there is no logo, because only if is saved in the theme options the theme can show it. What happen if you change other theme options, after refreshing also these fields are blank? Do you think you can send us ( info @ 7theme . net ) a link and a login to your website, then we can take a look at the problem.

    2. We never set a page title for our theme demos, because they are only demos 🙂

    I asked our developer and the problem is WordPress itself, on the front-page WordPress don’t show the page title. You can add this code to your functions.php file to add a filter to the page title function:

    add_filter( 'wp_title', 'baw_hack_wp_title_for_home' );
    function baw_hack_wp_title_for_home( $title )
      if( empty( $title ) && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) ) {
        return __( 'Home', 'theme_domain' ) . ' | ' . get_bloginfo( 'description' );
      return $title;
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