Home Forums Theme support How work shortcode Slideshow

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi, I have a problem with shortcode slideshow
    In mi page I put this code, but don`t work

    [slideshow type=”cycle” width=”475″ height=”295″ float=”” effect=”sliceDownLeft” nav=”true” pause=”3000″ speed=”2000″][/slideshow]

    I have create a slideshow in Allslider called “Carrousel_Principal” but don`t know who put in my page with a shortcode.

    You can help me


    the slideshows you’ve created with the Allslider function you can use only at the top of a page / post, as header slideshow. Please take a look at the settings box below the editor when you edit the page, theres is a tab called “Slideshows”, please open it, choose a slider type ( i.e. Cycle ) and as slideshow source the “Carrousel_Principal”.

    The slideshow shortcode is only for slideshows in the content area, and you have to insert the images between the shortcode tags:

    [slideshow type="" ....]
    <img src="http://..." />
    <img src="http://..." />
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