Home Forums Theme support How to Remove Default Contact Form (Nico theme)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    I am using the Nico theme and I am wondering how to remove the default “contact form” that appears after my page contact ONLY if my page is named “http://www.saranadalin.com/contact/” (if it’s named anything else, such as “/contact-me/” the form doesn’t appear).

    It’s not a huge deal but I would like to just name the page /contact/ to keep things simple.

    Thanks so much!


    sorry for that, this is a bad habit of WordPress. WordPress search for a template that’s called like the page slug, in this case WordPress find the template called “page-contact” and connect it with your contact page. If you want to change it, just rename the file “page-contact.php” in the root of the theme (or delete it).

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