Home Forums Theme support How to make a link a "header"-type link?

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I’ve a menu with submenu’s. The link of the menu is a “header” type link so you normally can’t click on it (it has a submenu). But with the theme i’ve bought: it doesn’t work as a header (you CAN click on it). How to prevent it?


    I think you installed the demo content right? A “header” link is not by force a “death link” without reference, you can set always a link to another page or post to those links.

    To solve it please edit the menu in WP admin -> Menus. No you have to add a custom link to the menu instead of the link to a page. Please read this tutorial in our FAQ section:

    How can I add “blind” links to my navigation

    It works!! Thank you very much!

    You are welcome!

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